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    Sep 14, 2007
    Medical Drug Interactions
    By Dr Jenny Tylee

    When two or more drugs are taken at the same time a drug interaction can occur. These interactions can also occur between pharmaceutical drugs and herbal medications or even between drugs and foods. The greater the number of drugs and/or herbs taken the greater the possibility of interactions.
    What are drug interactions?
    An interaction is a generally unwanted result of combining two or more chemicals within the body. Sometimes it involves the result of direct chemical interactions (such as when two chemicals combine to create a third and unplanned chemical) and sometimes it relates to the impact on the body caused by treatment with more than one drug at a time, such as two drugs affecting the same system, even though the drugs don't themselves combine to create yet another drug. Drug interactions are very common and while many have only minor effects they can be quite dangerous, even lethal.
    Drug interactions are usually characterised by one of two general effects. One involves the drugs enhancing their effects (that is potentiating or working together to have a stronger action). For example, drugs that are used to thin the blood and reduce the possibility that the blood will clot (anticoagulants) are commonly affected by this problem. Combined treatments will work together and the blood could become so thin that bleeding could occur and it would be difficult for the blood to form a clot to stop the bleeding. One example would be taking aspirin while being treated with heparin since both are known anticoagulants. There are also herbs that have an anticoagulant effect and these can interact with medical anticoagulants. These herbs include cayenne and ginger which are specific herbal anticoagulants. There are other herbs and vitamins that have an anticoagulant effect - these include ginkgo biloba, garlic and vitamin E. The other general effect of course is just the reverse. This involves the drugs working against each other causing them to be less effective.
    How do the drug interactions occur?
    There are many ways that the interactions can take place. The main ways are covered below.
    Physical or chemical incompatibility - This usually occurs when drugs are mixed in the liquid form. If there is a physical incompatibility then there is often a precipitate - solid parts start forming in the mixture. An example is diazepam (Valium) - a common sedative. In the liquid form it will not mix well with water. This is a physical incompatibility. With a chemical incompatibility a chemical reaction can occur which alters the drug. For example, the liquid form of penicillin (an antibiotic) will be inactivated if it is mixed with aminoglycosides (another group of antibiotics) such as streptomycin.
    However, this type of chemical incompatibility can be beneficial. For example, the drug action of the blood thinner heparin can be reversed by the drug protamine, a drug which binds to and inactivates the heparin. Protamine is therefore used as a specific antidote for a heparin overdose.
    Interference with the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract - The rate at which the stomach and intestines work can be affected by various drugs.
    For example, when anti-nausea drugs such as metoclopramide (Maxolon, Pramin) are taken, they will speed up the rate at which the stomach empties. This is important to know if, for example, digitalis (a heart drug) is given as the time that it has to be absorbed in the stomach is reduced and the effective dose will therefore be lower. If the stomach emptying time is lowered, for example, with propantheline (an antispasmodic drug) the time spent in the stomach, and hence the absorption of digitalis, will be increased.
    Changing of drug metabolism - Some drugs are able to stimulate the breaking down of other drugs in the liver.
    For example, barbiturates (anti-anxiety sedatives) are known to do this. When barbiturates are given with oral anticoagulants (blood thinners) then the dose of the blood thinners needs to be increased because of the rate at which they will be broken down in the liver. There are many examples of where one drug will affect the rate at which another drug is broken down.
    Drugs which affect the same body system - This is where two drugs have an effect, which may be intended or otherwise, on the same body system.
    For example, drugs that dull the responses of the brain. These include: alcohol, antihistamines, sedatives and pain killers. The effects of one will tend to make the other stronger. This can also work by a drug reducing the effect of another drug. For example, drug doses of vitamin K works against the effects of oral blood thinners.
    Drug and food interactions - The importance of these interactions should not be overlooked.
    For example, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) (such as Phenelzine, Iproniazid, Tranylcypromine) are antidepressant drugs that interact with foods rich in tyramine. The result can be a rapid and prolonged rise in the blood pressure. Foods that have to be avoided include: avocados, cheese, spirits and wine, pickled herring, beef extracts and broad beans. Some over-the-counter drugs such as cold remedies and nasal decongestants can have a similar interaction with the MAOIs.
    The Unknown
    There are many ways that drugs can interact with each other to either enhance or decrease their effect. This means that the way a medical drug will work in the body is somewhat unknown - especially if more than one or two medical drugs are used at the same time. Medical drugs are toxic chemicals and contrary to popular opinion encouraged by drug prescribers and pharmaceutical companies alike, we generally do not know or understand the real impact of these drugs upon the body.
    When two or more drugs are taken, complex chemicals comprised of each drug plus the resulting effects of their combination are introduced to the body - this means that the body has a lot of toxicity to eliminate. The best advice is to only take medical drugs if they are absolutely essential and then only take them for as short a period of time as possible. In many/most cases alternatives to medical drugs are available. Alarmingly, many people are prescribed multiple drugs over time and end up taking many more than two drugs every day. The truth is, no one knows the real effects this situation will cause but we do know that avoidable illness and death are common outcomes.
    It is best to work on improving your health and preventing the onset of disease. Ensure that your body is as free of toxins as you can. Having said these things though it is important that if you are currently taking medical drugs you need to discuss possible changes with your health professional. You may be wise to seek a second opinion but do not just stop your medication without specific professional advice.
    Goyen, M. 2000, Guide to Medications: Including Prescription and Non-prescription Drugs. Watermark Press.
    Iversen, L. 2001, Drugs. Oxford Press.
    Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia. 2002, Pharmacology and Drug Information for Nurses. Saunders.
    Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential vitamin and mineral supplement and many other methods, including herbal remedies.
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    Sep 11, 2007
    Prostate Symptoms You Can't Afford to Ignore
    By Arturo Ronzon

    If you are experiencing some symptoms in regards to urination and ejaculation, these can be a prostate symptoms. Diagnosing and beginning treatment for prostate problems is the number one way you can improve your health and ensure you live a long and happy life.
    Some of the things to look for in a prostate symptom are feeling a need to urinate at night more frequently than ever before. You may find that once you make it to the bathroom, even if you feel an urgent need to go, it is difficult to get started or you may find it impossible to hold in. Another prostate symptom is having a weak or interrupted stream of urine or it just dribbles out.
    You may also feel as if your bladder hasn’t emptied completely after you have used the bathroom. You may notice that blood may be evident in either your urine or your semen and you have pain during urination and/or ejaculation. A more serious prostate symptom might be weight loss or pains experienced in the ribs, hip or lower back.
    You may be hoping you only have a bladder infection, but if natural home remedies aren’t giving you any relief, it may be time to visit the doctor and ensure that there are no serious problems involved. Often it can be something simple that is easily treated. This is especially true if you get to the doctor when you first notice prostate symptoms so the condition doesn’t worsen and become harder to treat.
    There are many ways that the medical community can perform tests to firmly pinpoint your diagnoses. Though these tests may seem intrusive, painful, embarrassing or just a waste of your valuable time, rethink that attitude. This is the only way many, sometimes life threatening prostate conditions can be found. There have been many cases of prostate problems and prostate cancer that have only been detected when a man was doing a routine check-up. It is important you have a yearly prostate exam so you can keep your prostate in the best health it can be to continue working properly for you for years to come.
    For more information about Prostate Symptoms, feel free to visit us at:
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    Buy a Prostate Massager for Better Prostate Health
    By Arturo Ronzon

    Many men have a physician who has recommended they buy a prostate massager in order to better manage their prostate health. Many prostate problems that men commonly suffer with can be easily managed in the privacy of their own homes when they purchase a prostate massager.
    You may be wondering where you can buy such an item and a prostate massager can be quickly and simply purchased from an online store. There are many websites that carry alternative products to ensure the good health of men and they are used to customers whose doctors recommend they practice prostate stimulation and massage to better handle prostate signs and symptoms.
    You can find many websites that are doctor recommended and approved where you will find a wide variety of products that cater to men’s health where you can find a prostate massager to purchase. There are many prostate problems that can benefit from the purchase of a prostate massager. This will enable the man to treat his symptoms at home as an alternative to drugs or surgery. Not all prostate problems can be as easily addressed and you are advised to see your doctor before you begin any type of prostate massage program.
    The use of prostate massagers and stimulation have long been used to treat and maintain good prostate gland health and it is also a way that man can promote an enhanced sexual experience. There is much information that can be gathered privately since the advent of the internet. Men are able to deal with issues that were once difficult to discuss with their doctors by finding out information in this way. Instead of waiting for something to change in regards to their health, they can now find out about a wide range of conditions that affect men without the threat of embarrassment.
    Most men develop more serious prostate problems than they need to simply because they prefer not to discuss the subject with anyone. Most times they will experience symptoms and hope they just go away. This can lead to a more serious prostate problem. So if you are a man, you owe it to yourself and your family to learn how to take better care of yourself.
    For more information about Prostate Massager, feel free to visit us at:
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    Natural Cure for Acid Reflux, Feel Better Now
    By Arturo Ronzon

    Acid reflux is not just a painful condition; it can also have you feeling as if you can’t enjoy the foods you like without painful consequences. It may seem that each time you eat you need to arm yourself with plenty of over the counter medications to counteract the effects of acid reflux. There are many ways you can treat your acid reflux without resorting to doctor visits and expensive remedies. If you do your research to find a natural cure for acid reflux, you can be feeling better and taking more joy out of life.
    A natural cure for acid reflux is a way to aid in your body’s ability to heal on its own. Your body requires three simple things from you; water, food and sleep. Your first line of defense is food; the simpler the better. When you feed your body foods that are high in nutrients and have little or no processed ingredients you give your body a better chance to fight against sickness or pain.
    Drinking water is another natural cure for acid reflux. Drinking water allows your body to flush harmful bacteria and toxins from the body, especially if you eat a diet that is high in preservatives, chemicals and additives. It is not okay to replace clean, fresh water with carbonated soft drinks that are high in sugar, caffeine beverages or alcohol. Drinking water is a natural cure for acid reflux that all sufferers should take advantage of.
    Another critical component to good health is sleep. When you are in the deepest stage of sleep it allows the body to produce growth hormones that are responsible for the healing properties and restoration that allows us to function properly on a daily basis. Most people sleep as little as possible and don’t get the proper amount that is needed to be mentally sharp and at their physical best.
    If you start with these three basic natural cure for acid reflux, you will be on your way to better health and are sure to suffer less from the effects of acid reflux.
    For more information about Natural Cure For Acid Reflux, feel free to visit us at:
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    Anti Aging Medicine
    By Dave Kettner

    Many professionals with medical training are now involved in researching possible approaches to anti aging medicine. Through the wonders of modern innovation and medical technology, anti aging medicine may be able to increase the body's immune system and encourage cell growth and regeneration. Anti aging medicine can be found in different substances and formulas and are beneficial to a degree. It's a safe bet there will be many more to choose from in the near future, as anti aging medicine gets more and more advanced.
    Anti Aging
    Aging is defined as the collection of degenerative diseases that is large influenced by lifestyle. In order to give full meaning to the right to "life" we need a "war on aging". We are therefore at an unprecedented turning point in the study of aging, in which the curiosity-driven, exploratory research that has justifiably monopolized the field until now can at last be legitimately accompanied by goal-directed, biotechnological efforts, rationally designed on the basis of solid scientific knowledge. Anti-aging medicine has emerged in recent times promising increased longevity with improved quality of life. Anti-aging physicians believe that most illnesses associated with aging can be prevented, or at least slowed, through optimal cellular health.
    Medicine for Anti Aging
    Anti-Aging Medicine is the new medical discipline which aspires to halt the degeneration and disability normally associated with aging. That style of anti-aging medicine can, indeed, work miracles. Alternative medicine and holistic approaches have often been an incubator for approaches initially shunned by traditional medicine. Though the effort has seemed futile in the past, findings from the cutting edge of medicine indicate we can, at the dawn of the 21st century, do much to optimize how we age. You might not know that there are natural medicines that can treat your thyroid disease just as effectively as pharmaceutical drugs without the side effects.
    Health and Vitality
    If mankind doesn't destroy itself first, it is just a matter of time until we extend healthy human lifespan to lengths that are almost unimaginable today. Once healthy life-extension is demonstrated in mice, the attitude that "aging is inevitable" will no longer be possible and will give way to an all-out "war on aging". Living a healthy lifestyle is the best insurance you can have, not only to avoid nursing home care, but also illness and frailty, however long you live. Restoring hormones in the body to more youthful levels can elicit improved health and vitality. Learn about natural ways to stay young and healthy and combat premature aging.
    We're discovering that some foods have potent healthful properties that we never imagined were there. A healthy human individual is automatically on an anti-aging program, which is why they live longer. Perhaps in another 100 years, compounds will be identified, studied and proven to be extremely helpful to human health, but in the meantime, they remain mystery compounds that are outside the understanding of modern medical researchers.
    The real question here concerns "health enhancement," because enhancing your health will reduce your apparent age and make you look, feel and act younger. Anti-aging medicine can do very little for someone unless the whole patient is making a shift towards a healthier, non-toxic lifestyle.
    Dave Kettner provides anti aging medicine information striving to help those aging needs of people trying to turn back the clock. Our Anti Aging Treatments site provides the resources and products that you need in regaining your youth, serious about anti aging, defeating disease, and many more!
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    Sep 10, 2007
    Testing for High Cholesterol
    07th September 2007
    Author: Brenda Stokes

    There could not be another word in the advertising lexicon which is more marketable than ‘Cholesterol’. That word has been thrown around in the mass media to sell products ranging from diet supplements to exotic herbs that claim to make you healthier. As opposed to the popular perception of Cholesterol as being harmful to the point of being labeled toxic, it is a very essential constituent of our physiology. Cholesterol is primarily required to build and maintain the membranes of the cells. It is also required to regulate the fluidity of the cell membrane throughout a range of temperatures. So, how come such a necessary ingredient gets such a bad reputation among the medicos? It is quite justified, as you will shortly see. Excessive cholesterol can result in a mélange of physical problems for the person in question, even cardiovascular disease. This condition of having abnormally high amounts of Cholesterol is called Hypercholesterolemia, a decidedly convoluted name probably derived through an equally convoluted nomenclature procedure. What it means to the patient is a substantially elevated risk of cardiovascular problems and stroke.Though it is recommended that a person undergo Cholesterol tests regularly, people regularly put off cholesterol tests until they have a close encounter with a cardiac arrest and they are put through a battery of tests by their doctors. The diagnosis comes in far too late for it to be of any good. High cholesterol does not display any telltale signs that would lead to its diagnosis. When it does manifest itself in the form of a heart attack, it is usually too late. The best solution is to invest in prevention today to protect against the immense distress a cardiovascular disease would bring.Undergoing cholesterol tests once every 2 years would enable you to keep a tab on your cholesterol level and make adjustments in your lifestyle and diet to rein it in before it becomes too late. In case you are already taking medication to lower your cholesterol level, you should get yourself tested every 3 months to stay safe. There has been considerable innovation in the field of cholesterol testing and the tests are much less expensive today. If the prospect of driving to your doctor’s to get your cholesterol tested puts you off, there are tests available at that you could perform yourself from the comfort of your home. Very economical and easy tests are available which you could undergo to find out your cholesterol level. These tests will inform you the levels of good and bad cholesterol accurately. All you have to do is obtain a specimen in the comfort of your home using the kit and send it to the laboratory using the return postage included in the kit. You will receive a comprehensive result which includes the amount of good cholesterol, bad cholesterol and also the level of triglyceride in your blood. Cholesterol testing has never been easier.The fact that cholesterol builds up in your system without any external symptoms accentuates the need for proper and regular testing to keep your cholesterol levels under control. Frequent testing would be a great investment in prevention that would save you a lot of money and pain in the long run. So get yourself tested for cholesterol today, and let that be a good start towards a healthy new life.About the Author:This Article is written by Lena Butler, the author of TestCountry Health Information Resources, a longer version of this article is located at Testing for High Cholesterol and resources from other home health and wellness testing articles are used such as TestCountry Health FAQ.
    Aging harmoniously
    07th September 2007
    Author: Lac Tran

    Aging cure and care
    Although a cure of aging is medieval age science, recent advances in research have attempted to cure some of the signs of aging – wrinkling skin, mental loss of sharpness, failing eyesight and poorer mobility. As aging cures go, some of these pieces of research have had good results. However, it is altogether more sensible to accept the changes to your body and reach for the nutritional supplements with more reliability – those that will care for you as you age, rather than aim to cure you of your normal aging process.
    An aging diet
    On the side of an aging diet then, you can do wonders for your memory if you take certain natural nuts and vitamins alongside or incorporated in your standard diet. Boost your mental functions by taking a standardized herbal extract of Ginkgo biloba, a white nut. You can take ginkgo as a food stuff as well, as when stewed with chicken, it makes an excellent tasty broth. Locate gingko nuts at your local special food store, or take the nut in tablet form to act as a highly useful aging care supplement. Taking gingko everyday may improve memory, mood, and responses to stress. In terms of vitamins, you should be careful to up your dosage of some and reduce others. Treat deficiencies of vitamins B6 and B12 for improved memory and other brain functions for a successful aging diet. Studies suggest that diets high in antioxidant-rich foods, such as spinach and strawberries, may be beneficial in slowing ARCD. Among people aged 65 and older, higher vitamin C and beta-carotene levels in the blood have been associated with better memory performance, though these nutrients may only be markers for other dietary factors responsible for protection against cognitive disorders.
    An aging care exercise routine
    On the side of aging care by exercise, if you do not already do so, you should start morning exercises. Exercises that are less strenuous in nature than you used to take part in when younger are good for keeping your joints supple, and your body less prone to the ravages of arthritis. Not only is exercise an excellent form of physical aging care, but it also makes your brain work for its dinner. Start a walking program or join an exercise group to gain brain-function benefits and improve cognitive functioning with a memory-enhancement program. This can mean as little as getting together with friends for a game of cards.