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Oct 23, 2007
Regulating Sugar With Insulin Pumps
By Michael Dinsmore Diabetes is a disease in which the body either doesn't produce or doesn't recognize insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body regulate sugar. Without it, the body doesn't function correctly. Initially this may cause the sufferer to feel tired, irritable, hungry, thirsty or anxious. Though these symptoms may seem mild, they can become severe if left alone. Where do the Pumps Come in? If you have diabetes, you know that there's a lot of responsibility that comes along with taking care of yourself. Not only do you need to watch what you eat, but you also have to administer medication that levels out your blood sugar. This is where the pumps come in. Insulin pumps are very effective at helping diabetics manage their care. An insulin pump is administered through a catheter that's placed under your skin. The whole purpose of the pump is to distribute insulin to your body immediately when it needs it. Before the pump was created, diabetics had to administer insulin to themselves in large doses throughout the day. One of the downsides to doing this is that the body never received an even dose of insulin. Another downside was that if a person planned on going anywhere, they needed to make sure they have their insulin with them. The pump gets rid of these issues. It tracks the body's blood sugar and gives it an insulin kick as soon as it detects that blood sugar levels have spiked. It also allows the diabetic to do whatever they want during the day without being tied to insulin administration. These pumps measure basal rates, bolus does and correctional doses. The basal rate is distributed continuously to keep blood sugar rates steady. After the diabetic eats, they have to push a button on the pump to administer the bolus. The bolus levels out the sugars in carbohydrates and snacks. Insulin pumps are very effective at leveling out blood sugar levels. Before you consider getting a pump, you should talk to your doctor and see if the insulin pump is right for you. is the premier diabetes information resource online. Find articles on everything form natural cures for diabetes to diabetes supplies. Article Source:
posted by Morok at 11:46 PM