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    Oct 16, 2007
    Holistic Treatment - Is It In Your Path?
    By James Hosmer

    I have been thinking about the reasons people may be hesitant to go see a holistic practitioner. I am always talking to people about it, giving my stories and how I have come to see that this should really be the norm when it comes to getting well. And how it has helped my wife overcome a hyper-thyroid condition without the use of the normal once-a-day radio-active pill-she simply needed to change her diet and temporarily go on some natural supplements. Her natural immune system then kicked into high gear and within one year her thyroid issue was GONE.
    Or things like carpel tunnel syndrome. A friend of mine who is a percussionist was just telling me that when he had an issue with carpel tunnel the doctors wanted him to have surgery. He declined and used alternative treatments like acupuncture. It worked! He is pain free with no surgery. There is a woman right now in my yoga class who broke her back in a car accident recently. BROKE HER BACK. She is in yoga class every day and is recovering at an incredible rate. What an amazing example.
    These are the types of things that I thought that when people heard, they would immediately say "wow", that is amazing- there is a better way". But most people are resistant to change. I can certainly understand that.
    In my life, as a musician, I have gone from this gig to that gig, and even if I am going from one that is not so good to one that is going to be much better, there is hesitation and stress. One can get very comfortable where we are right now, even if it is not the right place for us.
    Let me say that again- We can get very comfortable where we are right now, even if it is not the right place for us. Change can be frightening. It also can be liberating, but it takes courage. The courage to go against the "norm", to take a chance, to do something that everyone else is not doing. To NOT follow the crowd. Just because the crowd runs that way, you don't have to follow them.
    Still, I understand that people need to find things on their timetable, when it is right for them. Unfortunately, sometimes this comes when conventional treatments are at a brick wall, and the medical doctors have reached the limit of what they can do. Then the patient almost has no other option but to seek out alternative means.
    So while I believe that holistic is the way to go, I respect everyone for traveling the route that they must travel. Each individual must find his or her path, and that path is no one else's. We cannot live in each other's shoes, we cannot walk another's walk. So I will simply say to all, I wish you peace, happiness and perfect health.
    With Much Love,
    Jamie Hosmer is a proponent of health conscious eating and living, including proper nutrition, diet and excercise. Jamie's mission is to help educate people on how they can become healthier and happier.
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